Bugs?: If you find a problem with this file, send the file and version
information (from above) and the problem description to:
Internet: apple.bugs@applelink.apple.com
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingIncludes}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := 0}
{$IFC NOT UsingIncludes}
{$SETC __OCEERRORS__ := 1}
{$SETC OCEErrorsIncludes := UsingIncludes}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := 1}
{$I Errors.p}
Allocated ranges:
AOCE General Errors -1500 to -1539
AOCE Authentication Errors -1540 to -1609
AOCE Catalog Errors -1610 to -1680
AOCE Standard Mail Errors -1900 to -1949
AOCE Standard Catalog Errors -1950 to -1969
AOCE Digital Signature Errors -1970 to -1999
AOCE Templates Errors -15000 to -15039
AOCE Mail Errors -15040 to -15089
AOCE Messaging Errors -15090 to -15169
Reserved for future -15170 to -15199
{ AOCE General Errors (-1500 to -1539) }
kOCEToolboxNotOpen = -1500; { Toolbox not open; perhaps its closing }
kOCEInvalidCommand = -1501; { Request code passed to a trap call is invalid }
kOCEInvalidRef = -1502; { a reference to an object is obsolete or invalid }
kOCEBufferTooSmall = -1503; { the buffer supplied is too small for the task }
kOCEVersionErr = -1504; { some manner of software version mismatch }
kOCESyncAsyncErr = -1505; { Op tried synchronously may only be done async, or vice versa }
kOCEInternalErr = -1506; { the OCE toolbox has an internal error }
kOCENotAnOwner = -1507; { this operation can only be done by the object's owner }
kOCENotImplemented = -1508; { Feature not implemented }
kOCENotAuthenticated = -1509; { The user must be authenticated }
kOCEAlreadyExists = -1510; { The object being added already exists }
kOCEDoesntExist = -1511; { the object being referenced doesn't exist or cannot be found }
kOCEConnectionErr = -1512; { Unable to open or maintain a network transport }
kOCEConnectionClosed = -1513; { Connect has closed }
kOCEInvalidRecipient = -1514; { Invalid recipient/address for this command }
kOCEInvalidIndex = -1515; { invalid index (out of range) }
kOCERefIsClosing = -1516; { Object references is being closed, cannot complete command }
kOCEHasPendingMsgs = -1517;
kOCEInvalidConfiguration = -1518;
kOCERequiredServicesNotAvailable = -1519;
kOCEServerInactive = -1520;
kOCEMoreDiskSpaceNeeded = -1521; { Inadequate disk space to safely complete operation }
kOCEParamErr = -50; { invalid parameter passed to toolbox }
{ AOCE Authentication Errors (-1540 to -1609) }
kOCEReadAccessDenied = -1540;
kOCEWriteAccessDenied = -1541;
kOCEAccessRightsInsufficient = -1542; { stream needs to be authenticated, or not authorized, or someone other than agent trying to TPFC, or problem in server-to-server authentication }
kOCEUnsupportedCredentialsVersion = -1543; { don't know how to read that version of credentials }
kOCECredentialsImmature = -1545; { current time < first valid time }
kOCECredentialsExpired = -1546; { current time > expiry time }
kOCEProxyImmature = -1547; { current time < proxy start time }
kOCEProxyExpired = -1548; { current time > proxy expiry time }
kOCEDisallowedRecipient = -1549; { Recipient not specified in proxy }
kOCENoKeyFound = -1550; { found no key for entity in question }
kOCEPrincipalKeyNotFound = -1551; { couldn't decode proxy because principal has no key }
kOCERecipientKeyNotFound = -1552; { recipient has no key }
kOCEAgentKeyNotFound = -1553; { in TPFC, agent has no key }
kOCEKeyAlreadyRegistered = -1554; { entity already has a key }
kOCEMalformedKey = -1555; { key is of an unknown encryption method, or key doesn't match password }
kOCEUndesirableKey = -1556; { password too short, key too simple, or trying to change cluster key to the same value }
kOCEWrongIdentityOrKey = -1557; { In CheckIdentity, name doesn't exist or key is wrong }
kOCEInitiatorKeyProblem = -1558; { either we couldn't find the initiator's key or we found it but couldn't successfully decrypt instructions or proxy }
kOCEBadEncryptionMethod = -1559; { the specified encryption method is not supported }
kOCELocalIdentityDoesNotExist = -1560; { LocalIdentity has to be setup }
kOCELocalAuthenticationFail = -1561; { LocalIdentity Login has to be done for this operation }
kOCELocalIdentitySetupExists = -1562; { LocalIdentity setup exists, use change instead of setup }
kOCEDirectoryIdentitySetupExists = -1563; { DirectoryIdentity setup exists, use change instead of setup }
kOCEDirectoryIdentitySetupDoesNotExist = -1564; { DirectoryIdentity setup does not exist }
kOCENotLocalIdentity = -1565; { Use LocalIdentity calls instead! }
kOCENoMoreIDs = -1566; { identity table is full }
kOCEUnknownID = -1567; { identity passed is not valid }